huge Navy agent threats, and well-statted board-clearing Lucci character cards. This deck’s ability to control everything on the board and go wide at the same time is nearly unmatched across the TCG’s format in 2024.
首先来看一组数据,统计了日文环境表后(4月1日后)至5月24日,总计27场旗舰赛的冠军卡组,数据来源。另注:该网站数据统计并不完整,下述卡组数量占比仅供参考,并不能反映表后真实meta状况。 卡组分布如下: 白胡子-9 索隆-4 路奇-3 红绿罗-3 纯蓝老沙-2 艾斯-1 娜美-1 明哥-2 卡二-1 ...
【OPCG简中】四弹环境前瞻及卡组推荐 OPCG简中第四弹于今日8月4日正式发售,发售前简单给大家整理一下5月末至8月初日文4弹环境状况,同时对不同领航给出推荐构筑。 数据统计: 以下为日文04环境能够统计到的大小赛事冠军领航整理, 数据来源 数据总结: 小型赛事4巨头为:索隆、白胡子、卡二、...
tcg pocket is mythical island, which has a slew of unique cards to shake up the meta. with mew featured on the cover, there are many new and returning pokémon with this booster pack containing a total of 86 cards. a new booster pack can be overwhelming when everyone is trying to ...
A new Booster Pack can be overwhelming when everyone is trying to learn the best decks and cards. We're here to give you some guidance on the strongest cards in the Mythical Island pack, as well as some decks that you can make out of them in Pokémon TCG Pocket. Best Pokémon TCG Poc...