67. Cigarette smoking ___ about 90% of deaths from lung cancer. 68. Profits have declined ___ the recent drop in sales. 69. The director of this movie, ___ a classic of Shakespeare, threw a party for the cast. 70. This discussion ___ a hasty decision, because we were due to s...
C. In Lung Yai. D. In Bankara Ramen Restaurant. 【答案解析】 【试题ID=1948547】收起︽ 1-4 DBCB 查看解析 ︾ 2 分享 收藏 下载 纠错 详情 When the weather’s hot, do you enjoy a glass of Brad’s Drink while watching your TV made by Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering, ...
杀疯了的高级情绪天花板文案[心] 1.很短暂 很喜欢 很遗憾 2.无需明天,不用下次,不必以后 3.偏偏错的都是用心选的 4.内耗结束了,你说什么都行,你说夜里有太阳我都信。 5.不往回看,值得回头的人不会走散 6.钟表会...