This program works great when you need to quickly look up something for a champion or find un-indexed builds from OP.GG for your obscure picks. Want to go Vel'Cos jungle, Lucian top, Olaf support? This program got you covered !! How to install 1: Download the OPGG-zip by clicking he...
'塞拉斯':'sylas','卢锡安':'lucian','艾克':'ekko','阿狸':'ahri','瑟提':'sett','奇亚娜':'qiyana','龙王':'aurelionsol','克烈':'kled','妮蔻':'neeko' } position_all = {'top':'top','jun':'jungle','mid':'mid','ad':'bot','sup':'support'} #由于网站反爬虫机制,使用请求通来...