Rekkles picks Tristana TAKERA 1024 0 08:11 丛林坑爹时刻S3第327期 TAKERA 1.5万 129 37:02 韩服极地大乱斗#274 All Random All Mid TAKERA 517 2 24:25 KILLING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT WITH AD SHACO!! - Pink Ward Shaco TAKERA 430 4 1:22:36 韩服极地大乱斗#313-#314 All Random All...
This program works great when you need to quickly look up something for a champion or find un-indexed builds from OP.GG for your obscure picks. Want to go Vel'Cos jungle, Lucian top, Olaf support? This program got you covered !! How to install 1: Download the OPGG-zip by clicking he...