Op-ed其实是opposite the editorial page(社论版对面)的缩写,指发表在报纸上、由非本报评论部员工撰写的署名评论文章,与社论(由本报评论部员工撰写的非署名评论文章)和读者来信(期刊或报纸读者提交的文章)均有不同。 Although standard editorial pages have been printed by newspapers for many centuries, the dire...
2018年9月5日,韦氏词典线上查找率第一名的单词居然是一个平时不引人注目的小词“op-ed”。“op-ed”是什么意思?它又为何会成为当日查找率榜首?我们今天就来聊一聊这件事。先看一下字典中对“op-ed”的解释:Collins:In a newspaper, the op-ed page is a page containing articles in which people e...
Op-ed是一个常见的新闻媒体术语,全称为opposite the editorial page,In a newspaper, the op-ed page is a page containing articles in which people express their opinions about things. Editorial page是由内部编辑发表评论表达观点的地方; Op-ed是由编辑部以外的外部人员,如读者或者公众人物等撰写或发表评论...
先看一下字典中对“op-ed”的解释: Collins:In a newspaper, the op-ed page is a page containing articles in which people express their opinions about things. Webster:a page of special features usually opposite the editorial page of a newspaper “op-ed”——”opposite the editorial page“——...
Op-Ed 社论版对页;社论对页版;评论文章。 Op-Ed一词是opposite(反对)和editorial(社论)的缩写后的组合。 也就是一般通称的报刊上的专栏部分。 noun. (报章上与社论版位置相对的)评论版 the page in a newspaper opposite the editorial page that...
newspaper). Op-ed其实是oppositetheeditorial page(社论版对面)的缩写,指发表在报纸上、由非本报评论部员工撰写的署名评论文章, 与社论(由本报评论部员工撰写的非署名评论文章)和读者来信(期刊或报纸读者提交的文章) 均有不同。 Althoughstandardeditorialpageshavebeenprintedbynewspapersformany ...
As a frequent author of newspaper op-ed pieces,he feels that scientists should make their voices heard in every responsible way possible. 作为一名报纸专栏的常客作者来说,他认为科研人员应该尽己所能以负责任的态度发表见解. op-ed pieces多指报纸上的评论. 分析总结。 这样的情况一直都存在而且已经有很长...
The meaning of OP-ED is a page of special features usually opposite the editorial page of a newspaper; also : a feature on such a page. How to use op-ed in a sentence.
The meaning of OP-ED is a page of special features usually opposite the editorial page of a newspaper; also : a feature on such a page. How to use op-ed in a sentence.
['ɔp,ed] 解释 abbr. (美)(报纸的)专栏版,特写稿版(opposite editorial page) ※ 提供单词"op-ed"的中文意思、发音示范及音标对照,中英文词源、例句和用法等。 中文词源 op-ed 报刊社论版 缩写自opposite the editorial. 英文词源 op-ed (adj.) 1970, in reference to the page of a newspaper ...