The meaning of OP is a set of planned actions for a particular purpose —usually plural. How to use op in a sentence.
The meaning of OP-ED is a page of special features usually opposite the editorial page of a newspaper; also : a feature on such a page. How to use op-ed in a sentence.
Social media has its positives but, for the most part, it is full of unrealistic, useless, time-wasting, and harmful qualities. Our culture thrives on staying informed and constantly seeking pleasure, but while social media is a powerful tool for gaining essential knowledge, it becomes futile,...
The typical grant award rate is now below 20%, meaning that researchers have to reapply year after year to get even a small amount of funding, with awards usually not even enough to cover the time spent applying for the grants in the first place. To judge scientists in this competition ...
In 2014 I looked at the number of librarians who were aged 55-64, the number of librarians who were 65 and older and then mathed out a few possible scenarios in terms of number of retirements. The Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population survey breaks down librarians by age ...
The luxury lab environments I envisage would attract raw, prescient digital talent thirsty for meaning beyond sleep monitors and smart watches. Rather, the success of digitally powered luxury will be measured in terms of the emotional impact it generates. And that is a big opportunity to cr...
Nowthere’sa title that could mean a lot of things, couldn’t it? Don’t worry, the meaning will be clear soon enough. I had some thoughts I wanted to share, and an OP-ED piece felt like the best route. But before I dive into that, a little news! After all, this Monday’sBein...
Bargaining Unit Memberor “employee” means a University employee who is included in the bargaining unit as defined in Article 2: “Recognition and Scope”. Operating Companymeans an “operating company” within the meaning of 29 C.F.R. §2510.3-101(c) of the Plan Asset Regulations. ...
Search too deep for meaning in the lyrics and as so often you’ll come up with a bit of nonsense. The “Caught between the landslide” line was famously alleged to have come from the Alessi sugar jar that belonged to Noel’s then girlfriend and future wife Meg Matthews. The very title...
(German f., French m., literally 'comic opera' although for the French 'comedy' had a somewhat different meaning to that in England or Italy) the elements of opéra comique changed over time: early eighteenth century farces and satires using spoken dialoque with vaudevilles (airs or ariettes...