34 cvc word families (全英文教学课件) objectives: ★learn short o - /ɒ/ ★learn four new key words rod鱼竿 objectives: ★learn/ɒt/-ot ★learn four new key words objectives: ★learn/ɒp/-op ★learn four n...
Experiment 2 (two samples; N = 50, N = 50) compared the heuristic benefit of various predication instructions, using consonant-verb-consonant (CVC) trigrams as learnable items. It was found in cross-validation that dialectical oppositionality facilitated learning at an equal or higher level of ...
“The complaint has then gone to CVC. CVC have responded back, which we have a copy of, and then we have to reply again to that final part of it. Then they’ll look at it. It’s going through the process.” In the meantime, the Sauber Formula 1 team lies in desperate financial ...
少儿英语高频词自然拼读入门启蒙字母阅读练习册very first CVC ¥19 启蒙英语字母自然拼读phonics单词卡片小学教材教具sightwords ¥24 少儿英语高频词短句闪卡片sightwords拼读早教启蒙单词教材教具 ¥23 babycare黑白彩色视觉激发卡片追视训练闪卡新生婴儿宝宝玩具0-36 ¥29 6岁-12岁中小学生专注力训练潜能开发注意...
内容是字母音、元音、辅音,基本的CVC单词。2. Fun with Words内容包括复杂一些的辅音组合和元音辅音组合,CVCC,CCV和CCVC。3. Champion Reader更多发音规律和tricky words,锻炼独立阅读,开启自主阅读之路,并提高阅读能力。孩子闯关得到的分数可以给小怪兽换衣服、换脸,孩子很难不感兴趣。孩子觉得在玩游戏,不知不觉...
continuedrawingcardsuntilheorshecannotreadtheword ordrawsaCRASHcard.TheplayershouldkeeptheCRASH card.Attheendofthegame,whenallthecardshavebeen drawn,theplayerwiththemostcardswins. NOTE:ThissetofcardsisforthewordwallwordsfromList 2,words21-40.IwillalsouploadLists1and3aswellassome CVCCRASHcards.CRASHis...
英文原版点读版自然拼读教材Booklife Readers入门级+进阶级全套7阶112册 英语分级阅读绘本英国CVC音素字母卡片支持小火箭、小蝌蚪、小book点读笔 ¥358 英文原版 bad seed 坏种子系列7本套装 Jory John坏种子系列7本套装Har...
英文原版点读版自然拼读教材Booklife Readers入门级+进阶级全套7阶112册 英语分级阅读绘本英国CVC音素字母卡片支持小火箭、小蝌蚪、小book点读笔 ¥358 英文原版 bad seed 坏种子系列7本套装 Jory John坏种子系列7本套装Harpercollins出版...
安妮,我们家的情况是一直听读。听,可以听到Magic Treehouse这种程度。CVC会拼,但是念分级读物还很累,因此也不喜欢念。我还不知道是不是合适让她去写,中文字也认得不多,读写更少。这种情况,我该怎么着手,先去加强读,还是读写可以并进? 我以英文的教学场景来解释: ...
Phonics B的课程里,我们学会了sight words高频词“I see a...”,很多妈妈会觉得句型类的内容不会拓展,在这里也教给大家一个小手工,做一本“I see a... B 打头的字母书”,而且还能结合到之前在呱店剁手的闪卡来用哦! 我在【B B Blue】的纸上 写上【 I see a ___】,包子馒头自己选出B开头的词,...