Constant-current circuits are usually implemented with an op amp and a discrete external transistor. Source,sink, and bipolar versions can also be designed with a single op amp and some resistors (Figure 1). The Figure 1 Circuits A, B, and C are constant-current sinks offering different ...
Amplifier and Comparator Circuits > APP 3869 Keywords: current source, current sink, constant-current source, op amp APPLICATION NOTE 3869 Variations Among Current-Sink/Source Circuits with a Single Op Amp Aug 21, 2006 Abstract: The design differences among five constant-current circuits are ...
Op amp can source or sink current 机译:运算放大器可提供或吸收电流 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 When you design for electronics applications, such as sensor or amplifier bias supplies or special wave...
(independent, window) – SysTick timer: 24-bit downcounter – Up to two 16-bit basic timers to drive DAC • Calendar RTC with alarm, periodic wakeup from Stop • Communication interfaces – CAN interface (2.0 B Active) and one SPI – One I2C with 20 mA current sink to support Fast...
The OPA544 is protected by internal current limit and thermal shutdown circuits. The OPA544 is available in industry-standard 5-lead TO-220 and 5-lead surface-mount power packages. Its copper tab allows easy mounting to a heat sink for excellent thermal performance. It is specified for operat...
Power op amp allows real time programming of source & sink current limits with 2% accuracy. (Signal conditioning: monthly design ideas brought to you by li... INTRODUCTION: The inhaling tobacco smoke to which a child is exposed, in a home environmental area, could affect respiratory system. ...
As a rule, you should never allow either input voltage to rise above the positive power supply rail voltage, or sink below the negative power supply rail voltage, even if the op-amp in question is protected against latch-up (as are the 741 and 1458 op-amp models). At the very least,...
meaning between the supply rails. When the output of the amplifier is forced to the supply rails, the amplifier output recovery time may be long, if it is specified at all. Finally, an operational amplifier's output stage is designed to always source or sink current, hence there is no way...
Amplifiers: Op Amps Interfacing op amps to high-speed DACs, Part 2: Current-sourcing DACs By Jim Karki Member, Technical Staff, High-Performance Analog Introduction Most high-speed DACs are current-steering DACs that are designed with complementary outputs that either source or sink current. Part...
AVIN Op-Amp Sink Current vs. AVIN 170 POS-NEG = 0.2V 160 NEG-POS = 0.2V 160 TA = -40oC 150 140 TA = 25oC 130 TA = 125oC 120 150 TA = -40oC 140 TA = 25oC 130 120 TA = 125oC 110 110 100 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OP-AMP INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 35. 100 4 5 ...