Travel to Oort Cloud Voyager 1 is the furthest any space probe has ever reached from Earth. When writing, Voyager 1 was 20,606,155,702 km from Earth, or 137 times the distance from Earth to the Sun. N.A.S.A. have produced a page that will show you in real-time how far each vo...
Sign in to download full-size image FIGURE 31.14. Four snapshots of comets in a simulation of the formation of the scattered disk and the Oort cloud. At t = 6 Myr the Oort cloud is beginning to form. The Galactic perturbations have started to raise the perihelion distances of the most di...
Image processingTunable filtersHigh speed imagingCloudsElectronic filteringThe existence of kilometer size objects in the Oort cloud has been conjectured but not observed as these objects are too small and too far away to be detected by reflected sunlight with current telescopes. However, these ...