Good evening, I am trying to use the Dragon Age Keep to reload my world state. But I keep getting this error (image attached). Can someone let me know if this service is down? Best regards, Rafi
So I've tried on my phone, with data enabled, and on two different browser (brave and Firefox) it didn't worked either ^^' Just in case, I've just test it on another phone that never was connected to the keep, with data, and I still got the same error message....
I wanted to go back and replay DA:I and when i loaded it up i was going to go to the dragon age keep website to change some things. Every time i go to the... - 7496946
Hello, Inquisitors! The Keep has been confirmed to be up and running again! We see stability on the site, and have tested it, logged in, added world states and we are good to go! If you run into any issues, please clear all cache, and browser data (from the beginn...