It stands for Object Oriented Programming. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) uses a different set of programming languages than old procedural programming languages (C, Pascal, etc.). Everything in OOP is grouped as self sustainable "objects". Hence, you gain reusability by means of four main ...
SOLID is the term given by Uncle Bob in his classic book, the Clean Code, one of the must-read books for programmers. In SOLID each character stands for one design principle: S for Single Responsibility Principle O for Open closed design principle L for Liskov substitution principle I for ...
This stands in contrast to declarative programming, which focuses on what the computer program should accomplish, without specifying how. Examples are database query languages like SQL and XQuery, where one only tells the computer what data to query from where, but now how to do it. OOP uses...
To determine if one string is equal to another string, you can useequalsmethod or, if the letter case in the strings can be ignored,equalsCimethod instead, whereCistands for "case-insensitive". For the reason that Unicode allows the same character to be represented by different combinations o...
As I mentioned the ng-view directive works in with Angulars routing provider in order to display content, but as it stands our application has no routes and we need to configure these for this to work. It’s now that we get a chance to play with the AngularJs api. As we are using...
Mutations in 2 highly penetrant autosomal dominant genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2 (BRCA stands for BReast CAncer), have been identified; these mutations are thought to be responsible for an estimated 5 to 7% of all breast and ovarian cancers. A woman from a high-risk family who inherits a BRCA1 ...
T refers to the transform set in object and G stands for the set of transforms among objects. In OF = F ∪ DF, wherein F represents the front and back relations of the assembly process for the directed arcs of the same level of process, DF refers to the arcs set in different levels...