Terminal Handling Charge(Effective from Oct. 01, 2021)THDCTRTrans-Pacific, Latin America & Asia-Europe TradeUSD189236266299 Australia/ New Zealand & Intra-Asia TradeUSD189236236 Equipment Maintenance ChargeEMPCTRALLUSD25505050 Import Cleaning ChargeCLECTRALLUSD20202020 ...
Terminal Handling Charges in Rotterdam / Antwerp / Zeebrugge (THC/THD) 20'/40'/40'HQ Dry Cntr EUR 260/Dry Cntr 20'Re/40'RQ Reefer EUR 355/Reefer Cntr Doc. FEE - Inbound (DCF) Import Documentation Fee ...
You are solely responsible for compliance with the laws of your local jurisdiction and any other applicable laws regarding the import, export, or re-export of the Content (including any software made available via the Service). Section 2.03. Specific Conduct Rules. Without limiting the applicabili...
9. OOCL is accepting carrier haulage for dangerous cargo (except IMO class 1 and class 7) under strict local regulation terms and conditions. Dangerous cargo transportation is subject to pre notice/acceptance and to additional charge. As per regulation, IMO labels must be affixed by shipper withi...
contingency charges, local surcharges or other charges due to extraordinary conditions beyond OOCL’s control, if relevant, which are available at carrier’s prevailing governing tariffs on the OOCL website at the time of shipment, and specified by OOCL* in its invoices when your booking is ...
You are solely responsible for compliance with the laws of your local jurisdiction and any other applicable laws regarding the import, export, or re-export of the Content (including any software made available via the Service). Section 2.03. Specific Conduct Rules. Without limiting the ...
Definitions / Application of Local Surcharges ItemName of surchargeApplication 1 Documentation feedocumentation issuance for delivery import containers (I/B Doc fee) and/or issuance of bill of lading for export containers (Doc) 2 AMC (CN24)Charge for advance cargo declaration to China Customs for...
Local Surcharges Expiry : All Surcharges and Fees shown below are maximum rates, and are valid until further notice. Export & Import charges Switzerland Item Remark Amount Documentation Fee - Outbound (DOC) manual SI submission CHF 65 per BL electronic SI ...
进一步查询,请与当地办事处联系. 注意: - 上述地区附加费适用于除泛太平洋航线以外的所有航线。美洲相关服务费率请参考https://www.oocl.com/eng/Pages/logInPage.aspx?function=rateenquiry - 上述费用的结算以货物实际出运时OOCL.COM发布的现行价格/费率为准。
Taiwan Import: Destination Terminal Handling Charge at CY Remark: IAT: Intra Asia Trade AET: Asia Europe Trade AUT: Australia Trade (Including New Zealand) TPT: Transpacific Trade - Canada LAT: Latin America and Africa Trade The charges would be subject to Carrier's prevailing tariffs ...