Hong KongAsia Pacific e-Services My OOCL Center FreightSmart OOCL Account eBL Blockchain Service Booking (New) MyOOCLReefer Cargo Tracking Vessel & Rail Tracking Sailing Schedule Shipment Route Download VGM Declaration Tariff & Rates Enquiry Inland Tariff Enquiry Rates of Exchange Detailed Container Sp...
OOIL owns one of the world's largest international integrated container transport businesses which trades under the name “OOCL". With over 430 offices in approximately 90 countries/regions, the Group is one of Hong Kong's most international businesses. OOIL is listed on The Stock Exchange of Ho...
That was back in 1947. Today, OOCL is one of the world’s largest integrated international container transportation, logistics and terminal companies and, is one of Hong Kong's most recognized global brands. OOCL is well respected in the industry with a reputation for providing customer-focused ...
船名: OOCL HONG KONG 呼号: VRQL9 类型: Container Ship (Fully Cellular) 船旗: Hong Kong, China 船旗生效时间: 2017/05/-- 船籍港: Hong Kong 营运状态: In Service/Commission 设计航速: *** 最大航速: *** 服务航速: *** 交付日期: *** 最新动态Genoa 2025-01...
vothanhan3011:Ba Ria - Vung Tau (Vietnam) welcomes the world's largest container ship (OOCL SPAIN). This is one of the largest sh… https://t.co/GoF66upAzp by vothanhan3011 Vietnam 2023-04-11 04:20:25 UTC/GMT. 🐤 Go to Tweet 👉 (1645627837934862338) ...
HONG KONG's Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) has unveiled its newest 8,888-TEU vessel, the OOCL Memphis, in Shanghai, which will be used on the Super Shuttle Express between Asia and North America. The ship is the fourth of eight 8,888-TEUers OOCL has ordered from Hudong-Zhonghua...
【东方西班牙号首次靠泊香港 OOCL Spain's Maiden Call to Hong Kong】目前世上载运量最大的货柜船之一、承载力达24,188个标准箱的「东方西班牙号」首次靠泊香港。 振新副局与航运交通界易志明议员昨日早上亲身见证这艘海上巨人来港。这艘新船本月开始营运,由上海出发,沿途靠挂香港,最远航行至德国汉堡、荷兰...
The article deals with the possibility for Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) to place an order for huge container ships, each of which would have almost 50 percent more capacity than any ship in its fleet, according to Stephen Ng Siu-kow, director of corporate planning at OOCL.Leach...
Home portHong Kong ShipbuilderSamsung Heavy Industries Co. Classification societyAmerican Bureau of Shipping Main engine typeMAN B&W 12K98ME-C Mk6 Main engine power, h.p.91,817 Speed, kts25.0 OwnerNewcontainer No 95 Mi Shipping OperatorOrient Overseas Container Line ...
Services extend from basic freight consolidationCore businessOOCL LogisticsAn OOCL container ship on the Elbe, in Hamburg, Germany.basic freight consolidation services to the management and operation of more comprehensive programs involving multi‐modal transportation, warehousing and distribution activities ...