Word list activities: Long /oo/ spelled ou. Learn about the words: Long /oo/ spelled ou using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, spelling games, spelling tests and printable activities.
Your search for --oo-- matched 80 words in this word list bhoots 邪灵 bloods 血 bloody 血腥的 blooey 故障 blooie 出了毛病 blooms 花朵 bloomy 盛开的 bloops bloops brooch 胸针 broods 育雏 broody 多产的 brooks 布鲁克斯 brooms 扫帚 broomy 茂盛的 chooks 鸡 choose 选吧 choosy 挑剔...
List 5 Latin vocab 10個詞語 William_Lipsett9 預覽 Lessons 1 through 3 31個詞語 charmandito27 預覽 Day 4: Dylan's Lines 13個詞語 veronicarogers9 預覽 TKM Vocab Week 8 老師20個詞語 Kelli_Anderson1994 預覽 Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions 66個詞語 adb1160 預覽 Mando'a For...
Missing Letters (OO Words) Write the missing letter to complete each OO word. Then write the complete word. The word list includes foot, food, cook, tool, hook and book. Kindergarten and 1st Grade Rhymes with Book Color the words that rhyme with book. 1st and 2nd Grades Word Copy (OO...
Thisoo words worksheetis so fun it won’t feel like a worksheet at all! Digraphsare two letters that make one sound. A vowel digraph is made up of two vowels (a, e, i, o, u). The digraph “oo” can make two sounds:ooas inmoonandooas inbook. ...
Here’s a simple card game for learning oo words! Avowel digraphconsists of two vowels that, together, make one sound. My Five and I are currently working on “oo” words. Introducing… “Boo!” This game focuses on the soundooas inmoon. ...
words listCan you find the rules for the short ‘oo’ words?ookbooklookcookrookshooktookcookiebrookhookoodgoodhoodstoodwoodunderstoodWho took the cookies?视频7Do you know who took the cookies from the cookie jar?亲子游戏---锦上添花Family quality time!游戏一:Listen for the “oo" sound Play ...
used for expressing surprise, especially about something sexual Word Origin Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp. Check pronunciation:oo-er
def __init__(self,more_words): print'We are happy birds.',more_words hb = happyBird('Happy,Happy!') 父类方法的重载: class Hello(object): name ='hello' def __init__(self): self.name='my name is hello' #类中的参数必须带有self参数 ...
Every Letter Is Silent, Sometimes: A-Z List of Examples The Difference Between 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All Weird Words for Autumn Time ...