O&O App Busteris autility and toolssoftware by O&O Software GmbH. The software enables the uninstallation of unwanted apps or bloatware that comes preinstalled from newly purchased computers. Uninstalling apps on computers can be confusing because users may remove important apps and could lead to fat...
[208星][17d] [Java] owasp/benchmark OWASP Benchmark is a test suite designed to verify the speed and accuracy of software vulnerability detection tools. A fully runnable web app written in Java, it supports analysis by Static (SAST), Dynamic (DAST), and Runtime (IAST) tools that support...
1Branch0Tags Code This branch is2119 commits behindThe-OpenROAD-Project/yosys:master. README License yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite Copyright (C) 2012 - 2020 Claire Xenia Wolf <claire@yosyshq.com> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or...
[208星][17d] [Java] owasp/benchmark OWASP Benchmark is a test suite designed to verify the speed and accuracy of software vulnerability detection tools. A fully runnable web app written in Java, it supports analysis by Static (SAST), Dynamic (DAST), and Runtime (IAST) tools that support...
[208星][17d] [Java] owasp/benchmark OWASP Benchmark is a test suite designed to verify the speed and accuracy of software vulnerability detection tools. A fully runnable web app written in Java, it supports analysis by Static (SAST), Dynamic (DAST), and Runtime (IAST) tools that support...