2TYPES,DATA, CLASS-DATA, CONSTANTSfor data types and data objects 2METHODS, CLASS-METHODS,EVENTS, CLASS-EVENTSfor methods and events 2INTERFACES(如果在类中,表示需要实现哪个接口;如果是在接口中,表示继承哪个接口)for implementing interfaces 2ALIASESfor alias names for interface components给接口组件取别名...
I have been associated with JAVA and ABAP worlds from the start. Object Orientation in programming has gained more and more importance. OO ABAP and JAVA are object oriented programming styles. ABAP/4 was extended to support OO concepts. Object oriented concepts of Java, C++, etc... are adopt...
SAP ABAP OO面向对象入门实例 下载积分: 100 内容提示: *&---* 1 *& Report Y_TEST_A * *&---* *& 简单ABAP对象 * *&---
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Object Oriented ABAP is taking slow phase in adoption for Pure ABAPers(Not working in Webdynpro or other object oriented space); even I took a yearlong to completely do my work in OO. Even I was in a situation when one of my clients ques...
WRITE / 'Hello SAP'. ENDMETHOD. "output~write METHOD status~write. WRITE: / 'Count in count is ',count. ENDMETHOD. "status~write METHOD zintest~test. WRITE: / 'it is the BADI test interface'. ENDMETHOD. "zintest~test METHOD increment. ...
1、*&*-*&ReportY_TEST_A*&*&简单ABAlM象*&REPORTy_test_a.*&*&Classsimpleobj*&TextCLASSsimpleobjDEFINITION.PUBLICSECTION.METHODS:show_text.PRIVATESECTION.DATAtext(100)TYPEcVALUE'ThisismyfirstABAPobject.'.ENDCLASS."simpleobj*&*&Class(Implementation)SIMPLEOB 2、J*&*Text*CLASSsimpleobj...
Solved: Hi, I have a very basic question regarding the use of Internal table with headerline in ABAP OO. I consider the concept of Internal table with header as one of
SAPABAPOO面向对象入门实例参考.pdf,** * Report Y_TEST_A * ** * 简单 ABAP对象 * ** REPORT y_test_a . ** * Class simpleobj ** * Text ** CLASS simpleobj DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: show_text. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA text(100) TYPE c VALUE This is my f
DATAtext(100)TYPEcVALUE'ThisismyfirstABAPobject.'. ENDCLASS."simpleobj *&---* *&Class(Implementation)SIMPLEOBJ *&---* *Text *---* CLASSsimpleobjIMPLEMENTATION. METHODshow_text. WRITEtext
我猜想你应该是想说ABAP的面向对象开发吧?要说不同的话 ,举个例子在ALV里面有一个普通的ALV,也有一个OO ALV,OOALV是以对象形式的,和C++等面向对象类似,都有类和方法、事件等,忘采纳