onward and upward, onwards and upwards interj figurative (keep succeeding) SC 蒸蒸日上, 百尺竿头, 欣欣向荣 We've done well, but have to keep things going. Onwards and upwards! 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 同义词: getting better, profiting, going ahead, improving, rising, 更多…… 标...
onward and upward, onwards and upwardsadvfigurative(increasingly successful)SCSimplified Chinese不断改善bú duàn gǎi shàn TCTraditional Chinese不斷改善 SCSimplified Chinese向更好的方向(发展)bú duàn gǎi shàn,xiàng gèng hǎo de fāng xiàng ( fā zhǎn ) ...
Onward and upward! Onward Manufacturing Company onward motion Onward Supply Relief Onward Technologies, Ltd. Onward Through the Fog Onward to Excellence Onward to Golgotha onward(s) onward(s) onward(s) onward(s) onwardly Onwardness onwards onwards onwards and upwards Onwards and upwards! Onwasato...
The meaning of ONWARDNESS is the quality or state of being directed forward or of moving forward. How to use onwardness in a sentence.
:to or toward what is ahead in space or time The troops kept movingonward. [=forward] They have lived in that house from 1983onward. onward and upward oronwards and upwards :toward a better condition or higher level Technology has been steadily movingonward and upward. ...
backward, 向后的 临近词onwards, onus, onwardmarch, onward voyage, onward lending, onward transfer, onward recursion, onward transmission, onward connecting flight, Onward and Upward with Collapse 相似词Ontario, onto, ontological, ontology, onwards, onwards and upwards idiom, onyx, oodle, 返回onward...
From late April onwards, gay rights activists had applied to the Mayor’s office for permission to hold a march or a meeting. Common crawl Well, onwards and upwards, right? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Onward and upward, right? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 All right, onward we go! OpenSubtitles2018.v3 ...
Onward and upward Excelsior, meaning "Ever Upward," "Still Higher," or "Onward and Upward," is the motto of New York state, as adopted in 1778. Excelsior is also the name of almost a dozen cities in the United States, of schools, of many football and othe... M Muenke - 《American...
66 、He hopes to move onward and upward with his current company.───他希望能在现在就职的公司里顺利发展,步步高升。 67 、Therefore the people of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments, from Mount Horeb onward.───以色列人从住何烈山以后,就把身上的妆饰摘得乾净。 68 、Onward and upwa...