Basing our work on the Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS) and on the specifications provided by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), we propose definitions for biomarkers of various types. These definitions provide a formal representation of what biomarkers are in a way that allows us to ...
ontologysnomedmedical本体sctbased RESEARCHARTICLEOpenAccess SNOMEDCTstandardontologybasedon theontologyforgeneralmedicalscience ShakerEl-Sappagh 1,3 ,FrancescoFranda 2 ,FarmanAli 3 andKyung-SupKwak 3* Abstract Background:SystematizedNomenclatureofMedicine—ClinicalTerms(SNOMEDCT,hereafterabbreviatedSCT)isa compre...
Based on the Ontology for General Medical Science, we propose definitions for biomarkers of various types of. These definitions provide not only a complete formal representation of what biomarkers are according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), but also remove the ambiguities and inconsistencies enc...
For instance, we used IAO through its incorporation in OntoSPM (Ontology of Surgical Process Models [41]) and OGMS (Ontology for General Medical ScienceFootnote 1), both of which rely on the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI [42]). However, as our requirements necessitated the ...
Biomarkers in the ontology for general medical science. In: MIE; 2015, pp. 155–9. Wan L, Ong E, He Y. ICDO: ontological representation of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and its application in English and Chinese healthy data standardization. In: The 10th international ...
The MD extends not only the MF but also the Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS). OGMS is designed to interrelate ontologies in the medical domain to support research on EHR technology and on the integration of clinical and research data and provides definitions for disease, diagnosis, ...
We introduce the Vital Sign Ontology (VSO), an extension of the Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS) that cov-ers the consensus human vital signs: blood pressure, body temperature, respiratory rate, and pulse rate. VSO provides a controlled structured vocabulary for describing vital sign ...
Ontology for General Medical Science Electronic Health Records and Medical Terminologies Infectious Disease Ontology Biomedical Imaging Ontologies Neurological Disease Ontology Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics HL7 Watch/FHIR and Ontology Ontology for Biomedical Investigations ...
Ontology for Biomedical Investigations OBO Foundry: Open Biology Ontology Foundry OGMS: Ontology for General Medical Science PR: Protein ontology PATO: Phenotypic quality ontology ReO: Reagent ontology RO: Relation ontology VO: Vaccine ontology.
Biomarkers in the Ontology for General Medical Science. MIE. 2015;210:155–9. Google Scholar [cited 2014 Aug 31]. Available from: Street RL, O'Malley KJ, Cooper LA, Haidet P. Understanding concordance in patient-physician ...