Epistemological and Ontological Beliefs of Educational Psychology Doctoral StudentsDaniels, LiaAlston, LaurenInternational Journal of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Secondary science teachers' use of laboratory activities: Linking epistemological beliefs, goals, and practices The purpose of this study was to explore how science teachers' epistemological beliefs and teaching goals are related to their use of lab activities. Resea... Nam‐Hwa,Kang,Carolyn,... ...
This is a synopsis of my forthcoming book entitled The Malleable Self and the Presence of God: Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (The Brill Reference Library of Judaism series; Leiden and Boston: Brill, forthcoming). The book explores early Jewish beliefs about how the human self ...
This paper aims to study the conceptions of teaching and learning and ontological beliefs for prospective teachers who intend to excel in their teaching career. Two major conceptions of teaching and learning (traditionalist and constructivist) have been delineated. Two components of ontological beliefs ...
Perspectives in Quantum Physics: Epistemological, Ontological and Pedagogical. An investigation into student and expert perspectives on the physical interpretation of quantum mechanics, with implications for modern physics instructionPerspectives in Quantum Physics: Epistemological, Ontological and Pedagogical. An...
This paper argues that a core skill needed to be an effective therapist is to have developed an awareness of one's own ontological and epistemological positions in relation to one's work as a therapist. In the same way that researchers need to develop reflexive awareness of their assumptions ...
This chapter focuses on issues surrounding the assessment of teachers' epistemological and ontological beliefs. Epistemology is the study of beliefs about the origin and acquisition of knowledge. Ontology is the study of beliefs about the nature of reality. Previous research has focused primarily on ...
Conceptual Integration and Measurement of Epistemological and Ontological Beliefs in Educational Research. ISRN Education. Retrieved from http://www.hindawi.com/isrn/education/aip/327680/Schraw, G. (2013). Conceptual integration and measurement of epistemological and ontological beliefs in...
ontological and epistemological beliefsscience teaching & learningThe increasing number of variants of constructivism in literature are causing confusion for the novice readers/teachers of the subject and thus curtailing the uMahmood, NasirHafiz, Iqbal...
This chapter focuses on the ontological and epistemological factors that play a role in shaping worldviews. It explores the ontological beliefs of various worldviews regarding the nature of being, including the material and spiritual nature of the human, the immanent and transcendent. Beliefs regarding...