Ontario Speeding Ticket .com Your Resource for Speeding Tickets in Ontario 24 Hour Free Information: Toll Free: 1-888-989-3946 From Toronto: 416-833-3155 From Ottawa: 613-276-3283 e-mail: 24 hour legal support provided by David Anber's Legal Service Firm ...
Full Fine Payment: You’ll be responsible for paying the entire ticket amount with no reductions. This means there’s no opportunity for negotiation or a lesser penalty that could save you money. Insurance Rate Increases: A guilty plea will be reported to your insurance company, which could le...
Paying a speeding ticket may seem like the easy solution, but it results in much largerspeeding ticket penaltiesthan just the fine. Thepenalties for speeding ticketscan extend far beyond the initial cost. Once convicted, the penalties remain on your driving record for three years, causing annual...
Speeding towards higher Ontario car insurance rates Speeding tickets (not stunt driving or racing) are either a minor traffic conviction or a major. Thetype of classificationwill depend on the speed you were caught going and the posted limit. If it’s a minor ticket, it could affect your pre...
Many of the Canadian motorists receiving tickets simply plead guilty and mail in their payment. They reason that they cannot fight the ticket while living hundreds of miles from the town court where the hearing is to be held. Paying your NY speeding ticket without fighting is a big mistake wh...