In 2016, Delta’s Senior Management Team (SMT) started planning for the company’s second 5-year strategic plan. In advance of this major undertaking, the Team collectively read a timely book written by Patrick Lencioni entitled “The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in...
I failed to recognize how his heart was rapidly failing him, fluid backing up into his lungs and drowning him as he lay in his ward bed. I ordered a chest x-ray and medication, but didn’t reach out for help from my senior resident who was endlessly in the OR and who had explicitly...
Each test is seven hours long, broken up into two 3.5 hour blocks. Each 3.5 hour block goes by quickly, but both are physically and mentally demanding. One block is in the morning and the other in the afternoon, separated by a one-hour lunch break. The barrister exam sitting usually com...