Health educationCurriculumSchoolsHPEPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore issues of race and culture in health education in the secondary school health and physical education (HPE) curriculum in Ontario, Canada. Design/methodology/approach - Using Ontario's secondary school curriculum as ...
The development, implementation, and evaluation of policies may play an important role in promoting health behaviours such as physical activity. The Ontario Ministry of Education (OME) recently mandated Memorandum No. 138 requiring daily physical activity (DPA) for Ontario elementary students in grades ...
Waterloo was failing an average of 20% of its first-year engineering classes. This bothered people so much they suggested makingchanges to the first-year curriculum in 2010.
Initially, it was intended for CMB lessons to be delivered during Grade 9 Health and Physical Education classes because the content aligned with the provincial curriculum and all students are required to take a physical education class at this grade level. However, during school recruitment, some ...
Unlike education programs based on a standardized test model, the OSSD curriculum offers a progressive evaluation model that weighs all term work as a significant portion of a student’s final grade. Through this model, students have multiple and diverse opportunities to dem...
Education and Training: Priority actions to initiate with existing resources Priority Actions B.2.1 Curriculum, Gardens: Promote teacher training opportunities and information sharing about food literacy and gardens programming Implementation Details Promote / support existing food-themed teacher training ...
PHYSICAL educationCURRICULUMGRADE levelsINQUIRY-based learningThis review is constructed to illuminate the revised and implemented province of Ontario (Canada) Health and Physical Education, grades one to eight: curricular guideline. The new document arrived online days before the...
Race and culture in the secondary school health and physical education curriculum in Ontario, Canada: A critical readingdoi:10.1108/he-11-2016-0059LeAnne PetherickEmerald Publishing Limited
This study examined how the Canadian and Ontario governments of World War II manipulated dominant ideologies of nationalism with respect to gender, race and class in the context of Ontario's defence training and health and physical education program in secondary schools. A balance between what the ...
After speaking with more than 6,000 people, the TRC released its report in 2015. The report included 94 calls to action, including the creation of a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and changes to the national school curriculum that focused on residential schools, treaties, and Indigeno...