Background In 2007, Ontario implemented a school-based human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program targeting grade 8 girls. Girls may complete the series in grade 9 (extended eligibility). Limitations in the existing provincial data sources for assessing HPV vaccine coverage in Ontario prompted the...
Proper administration of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (three doses at 0, 2, and 6 months) will likely influence the vaccine’s effectiveness and the impact of vaccination programs on health outcomes. Therefore, we assessed HPV vaccine seri
Objective: To evaluate the implementation of Ontario's publicly-funded, school-based HPV immunization program through a process evaluation. Participants: The immunization program targets grade 8 females. Ontario vaccine-preventable disease managers were the key informants for this evaluation. Setting: ...
(HPV) vaccination program from the perspective of local public health units (PHUs). Methods In 2018, Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD) managers at each of Ontario's 35 PHUs were invited to participate in an online survey regarding the organization and delivery of their HPV vaccination program....
Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the early population impact of Ontario's school-based human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program, implemented in September 2007 for grade 8 females, by comparing anogenital wart (AGW) health care utilization before and after vaccine program implementation,...
Health service utilization for anogenital warts in Ontario prior to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine program introductionComplete List of AuthorsApplied Immunization Research
S. Wilson, T. Harris, P. Sethi, et al., Coverage from Ontario, Canada's school based HPV vaccine program: the first 3 years, Vaccine 31 (5) (2013) 757-762, Epub 2012 December 13....
Remes O, Smith LM, Alvarado-Llano BE, Colley L, Levesque LE. Individual - and regional-level determinants of human papilloma- virus (HPV) vaccine refusal: the Ontario Grade 8 HPV vaccine cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2014; 14: 1047....
The Ontario Grade 8 HPV Vaccine Cohort Study: A Feasibility and Validity Evaluation. In: Ontario Vaccine Sciences Symposium. Toronto, ON; 2011.Levesque LE, Smith LM, Perry AG, Nsar M, Hogan ML, Martin A, Monreal M: The Ontario Grade 8 HPV Vaccine Cohort Study: A Feasibility and Validity...
Introduction Proper administration of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (three doses at 0, 2, and 6 months) will likely influence the vaccine's effectiveness and the impact of provincial vaccination programs on adolescent health.Leah Smith...