The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has launched a subsequent public consultation on proposed changes to the national construction codes, including the National Building Code of Canada, National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings and the National Plumbing Code of Canada that were not cover...
Eng., RHI (retired), RAS/HDT has been involved in Energy Efficiency of housing for over 15 years. He has consulted for the Ontario Ministry of Housing in the lead up to the 2012 changes to the Building Code as well as to Natural Resources Canada for the redevelopment of their leading ...
PWSA Board of Directors meetings were held the weekend of January 25 & 26. Details from this meeting will be forthcoming to the membership in the coming weeks. Thank you to all our board members for their time and energy this past weekend.PWSA...
OBPC Board of Directors James Fisher (President) Larry Davis (Vice-President Business) Norm Richardson (Vice-President Association) Lorie Smith (Secretary) ...
Unstable project management, Resource availability, No process document, Board of directors dont know how to run that company Was this review helpful? YesNo Report Share Jobs at FirstOntario Credit UnionSee more jobs slide 1 of 2 slide1 of 2 Member Service Representative (Part-time) Norwich, ...
The Skills Ontario Competition offers a unique opportunity for top students to demonstrate that they are the best of the best in their field. Over the two and a half days, they turn the heads of their educators, family, friends and prospective employers. Winners are awarded with Gold, Silver...
The Moose Cree First Nation and the Taykwa Tagamou Nation also have a seat on FNEI's Board of Directors. 5 Original $65M construction costs financed with a combination of government contributions and private financing.Mike MetatawabinCI Energy Group s Ontario Power: Marriott Bloor Yorkville, ...
Another successful Daddy of 'Em All! The Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society would like to share a note of gratitude after a successful 2024 Bobcaygeon Fall Fair 🐓 To our dedicated board of directors of directors + committees who commit their time + energy through the year and at the fair to ...
It doesn't look like Bay Street's dream of a single securities regulator is close to becoming a reality. Even the proposal's foremost champions, the CEO of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the federal Minister of Finance, no longer plan to spend much energy on the issue or throw much polit...
(PLIAN) to offer free legal services to individuals who have experienced sex and gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination. I currently serve on the Board of Directors for a community healing and support group called the “Pathways Foundation”.I believe in the power of education and...