In order to file for bankruptcy in Ontario you need to use the services of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee; only a Trustee can file bankruptcy with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. You cannot file bankruptcy on your own, or use the services of any other debt relief expert. ...
OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) funded all of the growers associations in Ontario to conduct these technology roadmaps to understand how the labour disruption caused by travel restrictions would impact the labour available to each sector; and what...
Games in the form of competitions can take place on the scale of office buildings or even cities. For this reason, some thought leaders are exploring how to incorporate ideas from video games to make utility programs more engaging. Panelists will provide examples of emerging game concepts, ...
Each year the Grape King receives a jacket and chains of office to be worn throughout the year while attending industry and government events, such as the Legislative Wine Tasting, Cuvée and Niagara Wine Festivals. The Grape King also represents Ontario grape growers at the Okanagan Spring Wine...