“General partnership agreement: Sample template” “Limited partnership agreement: Sample template” Ontario Law Help Ontario, “The Charity Start-up Toolbox” MaRS: “Open-source seed documents” “Articles of Amendment” (.doc) “Founders’ restricted rights agreement and equity shares for Ontario ...
In addition, collection of continuously measured OP information using sensors and incorporation into the regression models would likely improve the predictive capabilities of the surrogate models. We emphasize the need for continued automated, event-focused water quality sampling. However, our results ...
We also calculated the percentage of the sample achieving the lowest (floor effect) and highest (ceiling effect) possible WOMAC scores. Reliability Controversy exists over the relative merits of test–retest and internal consistency methods of assessing reliability34. In this study, the test–retest ...
incorporation of new technologies.34,37,38 Positive and negative perception of climate change; perceived risk and ability to cope; level of interest in change.38,43–45 Diversity of income and skills.6,37,38,42 Access, sharing, and value of local and scientific knowledge.7,39–42 Trust, so...
One such aspect was the use of 360° and 3D materials [38,39]. As such, we include abundant 360° imagery in our VFT. The importance of 3D visualization and penetrative thinking skills in the literature is noted [40]. The incorporation of observations at multiple scales is another ...
[33]. The likelihood of accumulating related medical problems that lead to hospitalization also increases with the repeated use of chemotherapy. These challenges highlight the need for targeted therapies, such as BTKis, for the treatment of MCL; their incorporation into the first LoT is currently ...