1506 3 1:17 App 【星特朗CELESTRON运动户外旗舰店 】60AZ使用说明 415 -- 8:21 App wifi小黑 教学使用视频 2219 8 0:31 App 每天更新有趣的小猴视频,猪爷砍菜单 8.7万 9 0:38 App 世界上最轻的固体是?竟然能隔热防水! 1.4万 7 2:17 App 中式科学有多双标 3.7万 106 2:41 App 医生第一视...
In the case of running OnStepX on an ESP32 it can provide its own Bluetooth or WiFi IP command channels without additional hardware by simply activating the feature in OnStepX. Other software in the OnStep ecosystem include: anASCOMdriver (with IP and Serial support), ...