由海面吹上岸的就是onshore wind,由陆地吹出海的就为offshore wind。 以中国香港的地理位置来计,冬天是会吹offshore wind,而夏天会吹onshore wind。 因为风是由高气压吹往低气压的。 冬天时,由于陆地散热较海洋快,所以海洋的气温会较陆地的高,而气温较高者气压会较低。造成陆地的气压高于海洋。
Onshore通常指“向岸上的,陆上的”,而Offshore则意味着“海上的,离岸的”。这两个词在金融服务、石油和天然气开采、软件开发等多个领域有着特定的应用,主要区别在于其描述的地理位置及相关法律、税收、成本等因素。 二、造句例句 Onshore: 例句:The onshore wind turbine genera...
Energy Islands will play a part in the evolution of offshore wind infrastructure by acting as state-of-the-art ‘clean energy hubs’. They will enable the connection of offshore wind to multiple countries via MPIs, while also serving as a platform for the production and delivery of green h...
1)onshore-offshore wind向岸风-离岸风 英文短句/例句 1.THE LONG-TERM CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ONSHORE-OFFSHORE WIND IN THE SHANGHAI PETROCHEMICAL REGION上海石化地区向岸风-离岸风的长期特征 2.Hurricanes may move to the shore飓风可能移向海岸边, 3.The ship is on the offshore tack and the wind...
offshore是近海 ,onshore winds是什么意思呢? (今天的词汇适合 3 年级+) UK's bid topowerevery homeviaoffshore windfarmsby 2030 at risk 英国到2030年通过海上风电场为每个家庭供电的提议面临风险 ❀ 知识点 —— 词汇 ❀ 1,via = V= ①going through or stopping at a place on the way to anot...
Moran (1989):"On- shore/Offshore Wind Influence on Breaking Waves: An Empirical Study", Coastal Engineering, 13, pp.305-323.Galloway, J. S., M. B. Collins and A. D. Moran (1989). Onshore/offshore wind influence on breaking waves: An empirical study. Coastal Engineering 13(4): ...
1.Vietnam is seeking MSP to be in place prior to nominating/accepting offshore wind sites 2. Full and detailed MSP is not necessary to enable the first offshore wind projects - it did not prevent oil and gas 3. Targeted MSP could be considered in key provinces of initial offshore wind...
The first wind lidar to be deployed offshore on a floating platform (SeaZephIR). 10 2010 The first wind lidar to re-finance and re-power a wind farm. 11 2011 The first wind lidar to be proven in a wind tunnel. 12 2012 The first wind lidar to be used with very short masts an...
an assessment of the onshore and offshore wind energy potential in Jiangsu Province was performed by calculating the average wind speed, average wind direction, wind power density, and annual energy production (AEP). Results show that Jiangsu has abundant wind energy resources, which increase from...
As the global leader in onshore and offshore wind farm solutions, Goldwind continues to strive to use its innovations and activities to effectively integrate resources on a global scale to provide fully clean energy, energy efficiency, and environmental