File > Import from Onshape. Once you are authenticated with the Onshape application, It will bring up a list of your personal documents, sorted by the last time they were modified. Note Currently only assembly types are supported. If you want to import a single part, you can create an ...
FeatureScript: New BLOB import text file (*.txt) FeatureScript: Improve vector math performance using recursive evaluator Render Studio: New tour system for new users Render Studio: Support background fit preview in render preview Render Studio: Improve section plane origin manipulator and initial pl...
In the top left corner is the Create button with 4 options (10). One to create a new Document, one to upload either a 3D model from another CAD system or any of the other file types we saw earlier, one to create a new Folder and one to create a new Label. Finally, in the top...
Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function setAttribute. Error in smexportonshape_implementation Error in smexportonshape_implementation Error in smexportonshape_implementation Error in smexportonshape_implementation Error in smexportonshape (line 38...
By pure numbers alone, SOLIDWORKS can import a slightly wider range of file types, and it can import the assemblies directly. But to be honest, using the Onshape workflow isn’t a major chore, provided you have the original software handy for exporting into a format that Onshape recognizes....
As you might expect, this allows you to import PCB data from a variety of sources in the usual two file (board + component) formats (from the likes of Altium, Cadence and Eagle), use a set of tools to manage which components you want represented in your 3D model, swap out any fuller...