rename, copy, move, transfer ownership, copy workspace, or trash that Document. You can also select multiple Documents at the same time by holding down either the Control key on Windows or the Command key on Mac or the Shift key to select many at once. The right-click context menu now ...
Trying a workaround solution - gone back to Safari Version 5.1.10 (6534.59.10) which does seem to support WwbGL, although it seesm very slow and gave the following message (among many) when I tried to download the wind meter exapmle:"Could not initialise shaders for id-backfacesil-face...
“We pretty much run everything exclusively on Linux,” he says. “When we were using SOLIDWORKS, we were stuck buying a special dedicated Windows computer just for running CAD. It’s really nice now to use Onshape on any of our development machines. It’s valuable for us to be able to...