While in a Part Studio, click “+ Add custom features”, search for and select the features you want to use. 2 Use it in your project Use the custom feature from the toolbar, just like any built-in feature. Who can use custom features? Anyone! Custom features are easy to create, ...
Enterprise: Only allow guests to see specific teams that they are a member of REST API: Add ‘isDangling’ field to the export JSON in Drawings API Render Studio: Select all instances of Part or sub Assembly Render Studio: Legacy sunset banner message (Render Studio Legacy) Render Studio: ...
2.Go toFile, Connect to OnshapeandSign In. 3.Select your document from the document list and clickOpento open the Main workspace. ClickOpenonce more. Make sureAdd to Sceneis selected under your document’s import options and clickImport.KeyShot will load your Onshape 3D model. ...
The accessibility of Onshape is remarkable. And it becomes more useful when you want a feedback from your senior as quickly as possbile. In terms of part design, it is simply too convenient to have all the parts to be glanced in a single 3d environment other than the assembly.Review colle...
In terms of part design, it is simply too convenient to have all the parts to be glanced in a single 3d environment other than the assembly. What do you dislike about Onshape? That being said, it still has a long way to go, for example drawing environment is not up to the standard...
I have a Part Studio consisting of a number of frames which form an enclosure. I have grouped those parts into a composite part. When I insert the composite part into an assembly only the composite part shows in the BOM. What is the recommended practice to avoid having to insert/ group ...
This allows you to filter down to the part you want, choosing from the familiar array of categories, classes and standard sizes. Once that’s complete, it’s time to insert it. Here things get interesting as each of these components has been built using Onshape’s standard mate connectors....
However, ultimately, they only store the position or state of those parts at the last rebuild of that assembly (typically when it is saved to disk) — and it’s this last part that’s key. To build an in-context feature, the system allows you to add geometric features, perhaps referenc...
Delete point/Add point(Button) - deletes current selected point, or adds new point at same location as Current selected point. Add points fully duplicates the current point (except in relative mode where it sets the offsets to 0), so it also keeps the reference, bend ra...
s called a Part Studio because you can create more than one part at a time and add robust relationships between them. When there are more than part in a Part Studio, it’s called a subassembly and all the parts are fixed relative to each other. To add motion, you need to create an...