The article offers the author's insights on late onset of hearing loss among children. The author says that out of 1,000 children in the U.S., 1.4 of them were affected of hearing loss every year and do not pass th...
GJB2 mutations account for approximately 50% of recessive non-syndromic deafness, with 35delG being the most prevalent. Homozygous 35delG mutations cause prelingual, non-progressive hearing loss that is detected on newborn hearing screening programmes. We present a sibling pair with homozygous 35del...
Of 111 children born in 1978-82 with congenital rubella infection, confirmed by the detection of rubella specific IgM shortly after birth, 68 were reported to be hearing impaired when notified to the National Congenital Rubella Surveillance Programme (NCRSP). The average age at which the diagnosis...
mice have early onset progressive hearing loss and induce recombination in numerous inner ear non-hair cellsStudies of developmental and functional biology largely rely on conditional expression of genes in a cell type-specific manner. Therefore, the importance of specificity and lack of inherent ...
A delay in the onset of thyroid hormone supply prior to onset of hearing, recently described to result in permanent hearing defects and loss of active cochlear mechanics ( 2 ), can also lead to permanently reduced β-tectorin protein levels in the tectorial membrane. β-Tectorin protein ...
Hearing Loss in Turner Syndrome † ‡ Abstract A retrospective study was undertaken to answer the following questions: Is the sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in Turner syndrome progressive? Can the occurrence of hearing loss be explained by the parental origin of the intac... N Sculerati,...
A delay in the onset of thyroid hormone supply prior to onset of hearing, recently described to result in permanent hearing defects and loss of active cochlear mechanics (2), can also lead to permanently reduced β-tectorin protein levels in the tectorial membrane. β-Tectorin protein levels ...
As a consequence of rubella outbreaks from 2012 through 2013, 45 cases of congenital rubella syndrome were reported in Japan. We report the case of a boy who suffered from late-onset bilateral hearing loss due to congenital rubella infection. His unvaccinated mother had been infected with rubella...
However, in this instance, and perhaps unsuspected in others, this child had bilateral oval and round window fistulas whose repair may have not only arrested the progression of her loss, but even improved her residual hearing sensitivity. 展开 ...
Delayed‐Onset Hearing Loss: Prevalence in Early School‐Aged Children doi:10.1177/0194599814541629a308Otolaryngology-Head & Neck SurgeryPritchett, CedricPan, WarrenThorne, Marc C.Dakers, Jennifer