, we used breadth >0.1 and coverage >0.1 (meaning that at least 10% of the reference genome was mapped and the average genome-wide mapping frequency is at least 0.1); for Bf, breadth >0.5 and coverage >1.0; for Ec, breadth >0.1 and coverage >0.2. These criteria retained 50 samples ...
Recontextualization refers to “the process of how discourse points to (indexes) the context which seems to frame it” (Silverstein, 2019), meaning how the meaning of texts can be recreated in a new context. It can be found in reusing texts in new events (Silverstein and Urban, 1996), ...
Findings This systematic review and meta-analysis found that age at pubertal onset, with thelarche assessed by physical or clinical examination of the breast, decreased by a mean of almost 3 months per decade from 1977 to 2013. Meaning In most textbooks, thelarche among girls younger than 8 yea...
aAlthough the powers of perception and power are inextricably linked, but the power to contain the power of perception than the broader meaning, but in the past many researchers did not put strict distinction between the two, saying that "power = power of perception." 2003, Keltner, who beli...
Findings In a prospective cohort study of 85 256 women, those with obesity (body mass index ≥30) had a nearly doubled risk of early-onset colorectal cancer compared with women with a body mass index of 18.5 to 22.9. Meaning The findings suggest that obesity is associated with an increas...
(67.2% female; ages 42 ± 15) who had experienced major depression. Adult functional outcomes were marital status, divorce, number of children, years of education, employment status, household income, dependency on welfare, and obesity. Participants with depression during adolescence were less ...
As a derived variable, we construct the weighted average country-level beliefs about coronavirus attitudes (first-order beliefs), meaning that we generate the weighted average of respondents per country agreeing with each of the beliefs above. We use within-country weights (weight) to account for ...
(and dwarfed by what exercise causes); the size of the differences was barely statistically significant—and short-lived, too; they measured genetic “signals” and not actual results, and guessed about their meaning; and we already know from clinical trials that massage doesn’t work any ...
Findings In this randomized clinical trial of 140 participants, the onset time to surgical anesthesia was faster in the DPE group compared with the standard epidural group (422 vs 655 seconds). Meaning These results suggest that DPE epidural extension anesthesia is superior to standard epidural, but...
Findings In this prospective cohort study of 10 095 participants, younger age at onset of type 2 diabetes was significantly associated with higher risk for incident dementia; at age 70, the hazard ratio for every 5-year earlier age at type 2 diabetes onset was 1.24. Meaning Younger age at...