Jodie Withers, Health Analysis and Life Events at ONS, said: "While there has been an increase in excess winter deaths making the total the second highest over the last five winter periods, the number does not exceed the peak that was observed in the 2014 to 2015 winter period. The increa...
For continental heat extremes, we use the metric heat excess, which takes into account both heatwave intensity and persistence into one single metric (Perkins-Kirkpatrick & Lewis,2020). To calculate heat excess, we identify heatwaves on a grid-point level when daily maximum near-surface air temp...
This excess mortality was accounted for by their low socioeconomic status. Within the Black Caribbean population, the UK-born individuals had significantly higher mortality than those born abroad whether or not the estimates were adjusted for socioeconomic status and metropolitan residence. Adjusting ...
The figure of more than 34,000 excess deaths last winter, is much lower than the extra number of people who died in the winter of 1950 in Britain when more than 100,000 people died above the average death rates. Currently thousands of elderly and vulnerable people in Britain are being giv...