4857 Onondaga Rd,Syracuse, NY 13215 Off market Zestimate®:$211,300Rent Zestimate®:$2,129 Est. refi payment:$1,334/mo Refinance your loan $211,300 Est. prep & repair costs Help $6,000 Est. closing costs Help $19,161 Est. total selling costs (12%)$25,161 ...
Onondaga Flooring is located in Syracuse, NY, and has provided the central New York area with the best flooring solutions at the best price. Visit our showroom
Visible Solutions of Onondaga County, Inc. is a commercial cleaning company in Syracuse, New York. Call 315-463-5319.
地區代碼 315-243 位於 SYRACUSE, ONONDAGA, NY, 更詳細如下。 位置 NPA (編號計劃區):315 NXX (本地電話號碼前綴):243 城市:SYRACUSE 區縣:ONONDAGA 州:NY (紐約) NXX使用類型:無線 NXX引入時間:1995-07-04 FIPS (聯邦信息處理標準):36067 LATA (本地接入傳輸區域):136 ...
Speeding & other tickets. The DMV adds points to your license as a penalty for pleading guilty to speeding and other tickets. Insurance companies normally raise rates for getting these points. We normally get those points reduced to zero point violations which prevents your insurance rates going ...
Department of Homeland Security regarding the establishment of a safety zone on the waters of Onondaga Lake in Syracuse, New York. This final rule has been issued for the lake powerboat races. This safety zone is necessary for protecting the participants, the spectators and the vessels from the...
13206 邮编:13206 城市:Syracuse 县/郡:Onondaga 市/州:NY 纬度:43.0677 经度:-76.1102 地图:查看Google地图
13204 邮编:13204 城市:Syracuse 县/郡:Onondaga 市/州:NY 纬度:43.0444 经度:-76.1758 地图:查看Google地图
地区代码 315-247 位于 SYRACUSE, ONONDAGA, NY, 更多详细信息如下。 位置 NPA (编号计划区):315 NXX (本地电话号码前缀):247 城市:SYRACUSE 区县:ONONDAGA 州:NY (纽约) NXX使用类型:无线 NXX引入时间:1994-09-11 FIPS (联邦信息处理标准):36067 ...
Liverpool NY sedation dentistry with Arthur P. McCann, D.D.S - Phone (315) 451-8602 for an experienced Liverpool sedation dentist in the Central New York, Clay, Syracuse and Onondaga County area with Arthur McCann, D.D.S. Conscious sedation is often use