The Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection has implemented a new information management system that includes on-line O&M manuals, a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), and a departmental intranet. The new system was placed on line throughout 2002, and 2003 will be...
The Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection has implemented a new information management system that includes on-line O&M manuals, a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), and a departmental intranet. The new system was placed on line throughout 2002, and 2003 will be...
Google Share on Facebook Also found in:Thesaurus,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Related to Onondagas:Haudenosaunee On·on·da·ga (ŏn′ən-dô′gə, -dä′-, -dā′-)·on·da·gas 1.A member of a Native American people formerly inhabiting the eastern Finger Lakes regio...
The NYS Department of Environment Conservation has issued a regulation that prohibits the import of firewood into New York unless it has been heat treated to kill pests. The regulation also limits the transportation of untreated firewood to less than 50 miles from its source. Quarantines exist whi...
The Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection has implemented a new information management system that includes on-line O&M manuals, a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), and a departmental intranet. The new system was placed on line throughout 2002, and 2003 will be...
Water-quality samples were collected, processed, and analyzed by personnel from the Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection. Several time series of flow, and sediment and nutrient loads were generated for known sources of these constituents, including the Tully Val...
CH2M HILL Email:;Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection, NY;CH2M HILL;CH2M HILL;Water Environment Federation annual technical exhibition and conferenceMosley, E.; Legnetto, P.J.; Pries, J.; Fordiani, R. Constructed Wetlands for CSO Treatment: A Full-scale...
Approximately six years ago, Onondaga County Department of Drainage and Sanitation (County) began full scale operation of a 240 tons per day beneficial use processing facility under a 10 year contract with Waste Stream Environmental, Inc. (WSE). The start up of the 2.5 million N-Viro Soil ...
Define Onondaga. Onondaga synonyms, Onondaga pronunciation, Onondaga translation, English dictionary definition of Onondaga. n. pl. Onondaga or On·on·da·gas 1. A member of a Native American people formerly inhabiting the eastern Finger Lakes region of
Malcolm Pirnie The Water Division of ARCADIS Syracuse New York Email:; Malcolm Pirnie The Water Division of ARCADIS Syracuse New York; Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection New YorkWater Environment Federation annual technical exhibition and conference...