ONNX-GraphSurgeon是一个专门为ONNX计算图设计的手术刀,允许开发者对模型进行精确、灵活的操作。它提供了丰富的API,使得开发者可以轻松地添加、删除或修改计算图中的节点和边。此外,ONNX-GraphSurgeon还支持对计算图进行高级操作,如节点融合、子图替换等,从而实现了对ONNX模型的全面优化和定制。 三、ONNX-GraphSurgeon...
使用layer api 搭建模型 fromonnximportshape_inferenceimportonnx_graphsurgeonasgsimportnumpyasnpimportonnx# print("Graph.layer Help:\n{}".format(gs.Graph.layer.__doc__))# For automatically propagating data typesdefpropagate_dtype(outputs,dtype):foroutputinoutputs:output.dtype=dtypereturnoutputs# We ...
This page includes the Python API documentation for ONNX GraphSurgeon. ONNX GraphSurgeon provides a convenient way to create and modify ONNX models. For installation instructions and examples seethis pageinstead. API Reference Export export_onnx() ...
To see the full Graph API, you can seehelp(onnx_graphsurgeon.Graph)in an interactive Python shell. Exporters Exporters are used to export the ONNX GraphSurgeon IR to ONNX or other types of graphs. The exporter interface is defined inbase_exporter.py. ...
Added toposort function to Graph, which will topologically sort it. Added cleanup function to Graph, which will remove unused nodes and tensors. Added high-level API for importing/exporting Graphs from/to ONNX models. Graphs are now generated with a default name of onnx_graphsurgeon深圳...
Node classonnx_graphsurgeon.Node(op:str,name:str|None=None,attrs:Dict[str,object]|None=None,inputs:List[Tensor]|None=None,outputs:List[Tensor]|None=None,domain:str|None=None) Bases:object A node represents an operation in a graph, and consumes zero or more Tensors, and produces ...
1.3 onnx_grapgsurgeon的API 1.3.1 导出模型 函数原型 onnx_graphsurgeon.export_onnx(graph: onnx_graphsurgeon.ir.graph.Graph, do_type_check=True, **kwargs) 函数功能 将onnx-graphsurgeon导出为onnx模型 函数参数 graph:需要导出的图 do_type_check:是否检查输入和输出张量定义了数据类型,如果没有则导出...
To see the full Graph API, you can seehelp(onnx_graphsurgeon.Graph)in an interactive Python shell. Exporters Exporters are used to export the ONNX GraphSurgeon IR to ONNX or other types of graphs. The exporter interface is defined inbase_exporter.py. ...
Added high-level API for importing/exportingGraphs from/to ONNX models. Graphs are now generated with a default name ofonnx_graphsurgeon Loading... 举报 举报成功 我们将于2个工作日内通过站内信反馈结果给你! 请认真填写举报原因,尽可能描述详细。
ONNX GraphSurgeon This page includes the Python API documentation for ONNX GraphSurgeon. ONNX GraphSurgeon provides a convenient way to create and modify ONNX models. For installation instructions and examples seethis pageinstead.