Onninen serves technical wholesale business customers and provides a comprehensive selection of HEPAC, electrical, refrigeration and energy products. We serve contractors, industry, infrastructure building and retail dealers. Through the network of Onninen Express stores, efficient logistic integrated services...
Jorma Rauhala, President of the building and technical trade division, Deputy to President and CEO of Kesko Corporation, tel. +358 105 322 211,jorma.rauhala@kesko.fi Media: Jessica Diktonius, Director, Communications, K Group's building and technical trade, +358 40 709 9176...
Assignee: Onninen Oy (Vantaa, FI) International Classes: A47G19/22 View Patent Images: Download PDF 20200008597 Primary Examiner: CHU, KING M Attorney, Agent or Firm: Meunier Carlin & Curfman LLC (Atlanta, GEORGIA, US) Claims: 1. A drinking glass to serve distilled alcoholic drinks, ...