With some extra charges, you can get a virtual credit card from your respective bank (if they provide such options). As soon as you receive one, you are ready to purchase any goods or services online, either using the card number or your registered phone number. Thus, with a little up...
He first ended up in the adult industry, in part because the financial crash hit the job market in the city of London. Since he couldn’t follow his father and brother into banking, he tried something else. Starting Internet businesses from scratch, lots of his ideas failed miserably. But ...
This is what happens with adult-oriented sites. People charge-back because they either want the content for free (because they intend to steal it and release it onto piracy channels) or because they are too embarrassed about it, or the card is not theirs to use (Eg spouse, parent, busine...
On the subscription settings, you can choose to quote a fixed monthly charge or a discounted bundle for your fans. Tips for OnlyFans Paid Subscription Rates The following tips can help you make the best of your paid subscriptions: Consider a lower rate to attract more subscribers instead of a...
Awesome emailed customer support, only to be told her account had been deactivated due to evidence of a chargeback, a term used to describe a customer calling their credit card company to report a fraudulent charge after a purchase. “I was like ‘something is weird here,’ so I kept email...
"Tax": all forms of tax and statutory, governmental charges, duties, imposts, contributions, levies, withholdings, or liabilities wherever chargeable in any applicable jurisdiction; "Terms of Service" (also called "your agreement with us"): the legally binding agreement between you and us which...