A question that (7) raises is whether a uniform analysis of the two types of comparatives is possible, considering that the standards of comparison they introduce belong to different syntactic categories, and are of a distinct semantic type. One possible answer is that such uniformity is not fea...
Emergency managers are often considered to be pessimists who think constantly about the worst case scenario and are too logical, but in reality they have simply applied the same logic as Buddhism to assess the likeliest sources of suffering and plan for their eventuality. One might say the two ...
An example configuration may look like --- scatterplot: conf: datafile: "mssm.h5" newfields: TanBeta: "DATA['HMIX.values.2'].apply(abs).apply(tan)" # the string is passed to eval constraints: - "PDATA['TREELEVELUNITARITYwTRILINEARS.values.1']<0.5" # enforces unitarity on the sampl...
So there are four gauge forces that push around particles, but only two of them are “long-range” forces in the Coulomb phase. The short-range strong and weak forces are important for explaining the structure of protons and neutrons and nuclei, but once you understand whatstable nucleithere ...
Two months into his seven-month residency, Salavon's plan to bug Microsoft Research was partly under way. "We figured out how to kind of grab the whole meeting-room system" for recording, Salavon says. These first surreptitious recordings are only...
A chilling report published last week by the Israeli online magazine +972 highlighted the heavy reliance of the Israel Defence Forces early in the war on an AI-enabled mass target-generation system known as Lavender, which flagged 37,000 Gazans as suspected Hamas militants. As a result, man...
There is an intrinsic link between “Done” and automation. They are mutual enablers. Done is made clearer, easier and faster by automation. Automation, in turn, forces a clear definition of what it means to be complete, or ‘done’. The better the software delivery team is at one, the...
an agency Trump gutted in his first term. He places the item in my hand; it’s a tiny wooden rake barely the length of my index finger, like the one that comes with the mini zen garden I just purchased for my desk at work. The rake is a little worse for wear, a tine or two ...
I am slowly plinking at the storylines of two alts – the Marauder and a Sorcerer. I enjoy the subversive nature of doing good on the former, and the comedy of unadulterated evil on the latter… evil backed up by an excellent damage dealer’s toolbox, even at the underdeveloped stage. ...
The general idea that has proved true was that the computer, the new magical object of the 20th century, would influence how humans think and E s s ay Think:Act 26 23 work. The fear was that it was only a matter of time be- fore it replaced humans for tasks that went beyond...