aたとえ言いたいことがあっても、それをうまく英語で伝えられない。英語の映画を観ることは私にとって勉強でしかないと思ってる。もう一つは、みんなと過ごす大切な時間であると思ってる。 Even if, there being a thing which we would like to say, it cannot convey that well with English...
I think I would rewrite this sentence to look like this " Recently, the use of emojis have increased. It is useful to convey an emotion that can not be conveyed by sentences only."
a(2) 慷慨准则。行为动机层: 尽量增大对他人的益处; 会话表达层: 尽量减小自己的代价。这条准则实际上和策略准则是一个问题的两个方面。如女性会说: Would you do me a favor to take the bas2ket of eggs ? It’ s too much for me . 而男性一般不说如此客气的话。[translate] ...
英语(美国) 日语 关于日语 的问题 please correct me using 「だけ」僕が病気だから、母が「野菜を食べるだけ。お菓子が食べないよ!」ということです。because I'm sick, my mom says, "you can only eat vegetables. do not eat sweets!" is this natural? 查看翻译 Yocco...
Only time I️ can see it being used on the subway is when you give your seat to someone else. But even then it’s perhaps a little too polite to say make yourself at home.@
@kyonshi 助かりました!
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① I can understand basic Japanese to some extent. = 私は基本的な日本語をある程度理解することができます。② I only know a little basic Japanese. I only understand short conversations spoken rather slowly. = 少し基本的な日本語を少ししか知りません。ややゆっくり話される短い会話しか分...
If you are really into trains or wanting to find a unique hotel experience, I think this is for you. The staff also responded my message very fast. The only downside is that throughout the night you will hear the train noises, so people who tend to be easily woken up might fin...