ValueError: only supported for truetype fonts 是一个在Python编程中常见的错误,尤其是在使用图形处理库(如PIL、Pillow、matplotlib或wordcloud)时。这个错误表明库试图使用一种非TrueType字体文件,但这些库只支持TrueType字体文件(.ttf)。以下是针对这个错误的详细分析和解决步骤: 错误含义 含义:这个错误表明你尝试使用的...
ValueError: Only supported for TrueType fonts As others suggested to upgrade pillow, this doesn't solve the problem on windows. Pillow version is 9.5.0, python- 3.10.0. Anaconda Environment Restarted. Windows Restarted. Double checked that font file exists and is font.ttf. Still the problem is...