Tested this site , put not to msg me unless they were over 50 and put a specific phrase to put in the message so I would know it was genuine...got loads of messages from 20-30 year olds , not one had the phase, put my real pictures up , I'm in my 60s , no way girls ...
Check Greg's Coverage out over at www.bostonsportsjournal.com, for $50 on B D-List Diaries 3. The Reality of Relationships This week, Nicole, Gina, and Kirsten share their unfiltered thoughts on other people’s motives for going on reality dating shows.DM us on Instagram @dlistdiaries wi...
My new ebook is out on Amazon now. EntitledTHE GREAT FEMDOM WHAT-IF, it contains three adults-only short stories about a man who, over the years from the 1970s up to the 1990s, encountered sexual situations in his life that could have lent themselves to some kinky roleplay, but which ...
At night I run my tongue over my teeth, the only bones I can touch, comforting myself that I am still a skeleton beneath all this soft meat. If I could I would carve away chunks of marbled fat and muscle to release the sexless, genderless framework within. How freeing to do away wit...
摘要: Fullerene graphs, i.e., 3-connected planar cubic graphs with pentagonal and hexagonal faces, are conjectured to be hamiltonian. This is a special case of a conjecture of Barnette, dating back to the 60s, stating that 3-connected planar graphs with faces of size at most 6 are hamil...
Arica is a port city with a current population of just over 196,000. The city is the northernmost city in Chile, sharing a border with Peru and Bolivia Arica is also the capital of the Arica Province and the Arica and Parinacota A. Tatnall and B. Davey (Eds.): History of Computers ...
The Rock has always been a beast. Even his high school pictures look like a 20+ year old athletic man. When he started acting he actually shed some pounds from his wrestling days, but gained them back over the years as his acting focus shifted to different kinds of roles...
Alright, so that’s over. Here’s the thing. The movie wasn’t bad or anything, but like I said at the beginning, I’ve always been all in for John Ambrose. However, I have created a fanfic in my head that I’m okay with: Kitty (the sassy queen that she is) grows up and go...
Nadine Gires called Knippenberg the night after Sobhraj's arrest to tell him that she had been invited over to Sobhraj's apartment. She knew another accomplice would be there, and she feared for her safety, having aided in Sobhraj's arrest. Despite her fears, Knippenberg urged her to...
Over the course of five years, the bill was able to offer almost $4 billion from its unemployment compensation program to nearly 9 million veterans. [Pictured: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the G.I. Bill in the Oval Office on June 22, 1944.] 1945: War Brides Act Sunday Truth /...