This is also supported by pupil size data as a proxy for arousal: Elevated pupil sizes were found between 500 and 1500 ms after cue onset (Petersen et al., 2017). In this time-window, one might perform one to two actions of a fairly simple task, so that alerting could extend from ...
Immediately pre-operatively she was noted to have old keratic precipitates, a quiet anterior chamber, a well dilated pupil after pre-operative mydriatics and a normal intraoperative pressure. The drainage angle was also normal. Peribulbar anaesthesia was administered with 2% lignocaine with ...
Of the 151 patients, a poorly dilated pupil before surgery was reported in eight cases (5%), of which one was on an alpha-blocker. Progressive pupil constriction during surgery was seen in 11 patients (7%), of which three were on an ...
Pupil size also related back to arousal and aggression. When we see things we like, our pupils dilate to allow the maximum amount of light in, but when we see something we don’t like, they immediately constrict. The same effect occurs when eyelids are constricted or squinted as they...
When friends talk to one another they aren’t trying to peer into their souls, rather, they gaze. The gaze is non-threatening and like the intimate gaze, which follows, the eyes travel over the face in a specific pattern. In the friendly gaze, the eyes travel in a triangula...
From this it appeared that as the heart dilated and its fibres were stretched, it worked with greater efficiency. This was afterwards shown to be the case by his distinguished pupil Lovat Evans. The experiments upon the flow of blood through the coronary arteries showed that this flow was ...