In 1991 we made mistakes to let Amhara to stay in our land and Tigray is feeding them for many years now but the Amhara are against us while living in our land. What that tell you about Woyane today how they are working hard to protect Tigray and do they real know what they are ...
Likewise, when theTitanicsunk in 1912, it was women and children, not men and children, who were allowed on board the lifeboats first, while men were left to die. As a result,whereas 80% of men on board perished, only 26% of women did, a form of privilege, and of discrimination, t...
If fighting for the survival of your people is extremist; if fighting against the sickest of religions known to the world—the religion of racist white supremacy—is extremist; if telling the truth, and telling it freely, is extremist, then, I am proud to be in that number, as the saints...
living believe says modern mean soon book single looking lines secretary process personal longer alone women situation minutes idea gone section schools nor increase started private months america pressure ground dark stage nature east dr finally kept values needed call greater father view expected that'...