不过,图一里说的那个「Only 不是指独占,是指光盘只能在 PS4 里使用」,还真有类似的情况发生过。 某些美版 Nintendo 64 游戏的包装盒上会出现一个小标识:「Only For」加一个指向 N64 包装盒的 Logo, 例如图中的大乱斗。 这种情况下,你肯定下意识地觉得这是指游戏为 N64 独占吧,不过再看看这生化危机 2 和...
某些美版 Nintendo 64 游戏的包装盒上会出现一个小标识:「Only For」加一个指向 N64 包装盒的 Logo, 例如图中的大乱斗。 这种情况下,你肯定下意识地觉得这是指游戏为 N64 独占吧,不过再看看这生化危机 2 和 NBA Live '99: 明摆着的跨平台游戏,怎么也「Only for N64」啦?这种情况就被解释为「这个游戏卡带...
此外,一些美版Nintendo 64游戏的包装盒上也会出现“Only For”加指向N64包装盒的Logo的标识,例如《大乱斗》。这样的标识让玩家误以为是N64的独占游戏。然而,当看到《生化危机2》和《NBA Live '99》等跨平台游戏的包装时,这一疑惑会得到解答。索尼在非传统意义的独占包装上也会标有“Only On PlaySt...
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Mickey's Speedway USA (USA): To unlock the secret character Huey, the player would normally need to possess Mickey's Speedway USA on the Game Boy Color with data and use the Nintendo 64 Transfer Pak to transfer information to the N64 version. This hack unlocks that exclusive character withou...
And Nintendo offering the N64 I to own some of those title they are coughing up Nintendo does have the GC and their hand held systems for libraries of games they can offer. But again it will be the same thing once the games are on there updating said libraries like you said will come...
moreI agree nintendo does its own thing but their consoles are not always underpowered, NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube were all powerful systems for their time, only since Wii have Nintendo stopped making powerful machines. Reply ? Anonymous mpg 21 Jan 2022 Anonymous, 20 Jan 2022Sony vs ...
MATLAB excel add in creation error ""C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\runtime\win64\mwregsvr.exe" /useronly C:\Users\212697528\Documents\MATLAB\add\for_testing\add_1_0.dll Error: An error occurred while she...
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