“only local ip can read flag” 这句话意味着只有本地IP地址可以读取flag(标志或标记)。这通常用于CTF(Capture The Flag)竞赛中,以保护flag不被远程攻击者获取。以下是如何实现这一功能的几个步骤: 1. 确认具体含义和需求 具体含义:仅允许从本地服务器(通常是127.0.0.1或::1)访问特定的资源或页面。 需求:...
- NETWORK.md describes the current networking arrangements (though note that these are not critical to test system operation) and includes helpful hints on how to set devices up, - ACCESS.md describes how the system is set up to allow access only to authorized users and ACCESS_REQUEST.md ...