That one, as he reports, seems fine. Thanks for the help! Reply geXs0 January 13, 2023 at 12:19 pm A free open source alternative Wikipedia front-end (No JS/ads) focused on privacy. Reply Odysseus June 29, 2022 at...
Thecurldefault HTTP method, GET, can be set to any method you would like using the-X <command>option. The usual suspects POST, PUT, DELETE, and even custom methods, can be specified: curl -X POST Normally you don’t need this option. All sorts of GET, HEAD, POST ...
There is a Docker Hub image available also, for ease of use. code quality How to write a function, by Jack Diederich Some interesting concepts, not everything that I would strictly stand by. But it's definitely worth seeing to expand one's horizon :). Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of...
“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” But to doubtall thingsis a vast and dangerous challenge – for it means
Oricorio is a bit less obvious, but it's still purple. I'll give you Decidueye, though. While looking into possible hints that Oricorio would be Ghost-type, I found this on the Wikipedia page for hand fan: "Fans are also edible. It is not to well known but famous c...
of Francis Ford Coppola’sOne From The Heart, with its colourful, imaginative soundscape. I love how the lead guitar feels like it is about to scream, but is rained back in and never moves to centre stage, which would have been an obvious move to make. Danny Wilson did not do obvious....
CoelasquidJanuary 25, 20162:24 am I was gonna say I had to come up with a last minute comic because we had a big Royal Rumble party and it made me realize how much I say things like that and how many Wrestling parties we throw. ...
People don’t want a ‘one world government’. Imagine that the old USSR had created ‘one world communism’, when it collapsed then what would remain to help out? Diversity is the key. I don’t hate China or The US, we are all better for having diverse world...
If the cervix was lumpy or could not be moved around easily then it us the sign of a tumor in the cervix. Ok. So that would not cause the women symptoms? Also isn’t the Pap test supposed to have the tumor cells show up on it? Could be just some other tissues moving through ...
We used the prusic loop when repelling to create a "step" on the rope we were on. If for any reason we had to stay in one place for a while or needed both hands free or needed to change from one rope to another we would take the loop and wrap it around the rope we were ...