Phone NumberPattern: ^\+382[6-9][0-9]{6,7}$ Description: Montenegrin phone numbers typically start with +382, followed by a digit between 6 and 9, and then 6 to 7 more digits. This pattern covers both mobile and landline numbers....
base64Captcha - Base64captch supports digit, number, alphabet, arithmetic, audio and digit-alphabet captcha. Stars:2.2K. gosms - Your own local SMS gateway in Go that can be used to send SMS. Stars:1.5K. go-commons-pool - Generic object pool for Golang. Stars:1.2K. llvm - Library ...
How to get non-repetative 6 digit's Random number . How to get the column value from the data table How to get 4 season names based on datetime? how to get a date now -1 day using c# .net How to get a link within a label how to get a popup window when ever user clicks on...
5 digit numbers regex for input type text 500 Internal Server Error for images, css, and js A simple way of putting spaces in between textboxes, labels, etc a table with 100% height inside a about onload event on span control accept input only number with 2 decimal javascript Acces an...
C# length of digit after decimal point c# regular expression to only allow 1 or 2 digits only c# show hide div from code behind OnClick of C# syntax to Generate Sequence number with Prefix C# textarea object C# TextBox Value Set With Variable C# to CSRF Protection c# write ...
device_id: Enable mobile API extraction with a genuine device ID to be used with mobile API calls. Default is a random 19-digit string rokfinchannel tab: Which tab to download - one of new, top, videos, podcasts, streams, stacks twitter api: Select one of graphql (default), legacy or...
ZFProgressView - A simple digit progress view.(version1.3 使用GCD定时器代替NSTimer,避免内存泄露问题). WaveLoadingView - iOS 唯一完美的波浪进度加载指示器,实现说明. JZMultiChoicesCircleButton - 三维多选按钮. ASProgressPopUpView - 弹出的进度条显示进度. TwitterPaggingViewer - 多个Tableview,左右滑动....
How can I format the day, Month as two digit number How can i get client Mac address of user How can I insert data into tally using C# .net How can i insert JSON containing multiple rows into Sql Server Database? how can i integrate webcam web application? how can I Load...
How can I format the day, Month as two digit number How can i get client Mac address of user How can I insert data into tally using C# .net How can i insert JSON containing multiple rows into Sql Server Database? how can i integrate webcam web application? how can I Load...
Generate random 4-6 digit Number in C# Generate random URL to download a file Generate Reference number for booking generate row number by descending order Generate Window.Open In Script Get location name from latitude and longitude Get Client Mac Address in Asp.Net Web Application Get ...