That said this class as a focus has provided some solace in the hard times and next year i really hope to take it to yet another level with a couple other new classes and more pictures on more platforms hopefully with the help of some apprentices to force multiply my visions and dreams....
A conversation with Jordan Thomas on fire suppression and prescribed burning in the megafire era The job parameters for wildland firefighters haven’t changed significantly since the 1980s. What has changed significantly since the ’80s is the climate. So essentially, they’re working with the job...
These findings potentially can be used by resource managers to gain a greater understanding of the atmospheric conditions that are conducive to lightning-induced fires in the Pacific Northwest.Miriam L. RorigSue A. FergusonInternational Journal of Wildland Fire...
KTVB says, Celilo Miles a 27-year-old Idaho native is a student, model and wildland firefighter for the Nez Perce tribe. The casting agency reached out to her via Instagram message. It is by far the biggest modeling gig she has ever done.What an amazing opportunity for her modeling care...
A new decision support tool, the Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS) has been developed to support risk-informed decision-making for individual fires in the United States. WFDSS accesses na...
Importantly, a national-scale assessment of wildland fire impacts on streamflow found the most significant, positive streamflow responses to fire in the semiarid Lower Colorado region (Hallema et al., 2018). Meanwhile, water managers in the Salt River, an economically vital basin of the Lower ...
The Camp Fire in 2018 represents a different type of governance issue. Residential development in wildland-urban interface areas such as Paradise, CA (in Butte County), is considered a state responsibility area (i.e., California provides prevention and suppression strategies and programs). These pr...
we performed a bias-correction procedure that adjusted vegetation heights to more closely resemble those of the lidar data. SSDE is a tool that can provide valuable safety information to wildland fire personnel who are charged with the critical responsibility of protecting the public and landscapes ...
Assessment of wildland fire impacts on watershed annual water yield: Analytical framework and case studies in the United States: Wildland fire impacts on annual water yield: Framework and case studies. Ecohydrology 2016, 10. [CrossRef]Hallema, D. W., Sun, G., Caldwell, P. V., Norman, S...
2013 . Is wildland fire increasing in sagebrush landscapes of the Western United States? Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 : 5 – 19 .Baker WL (2013) Is wildland fire increasing in sagebrush landscapes of the western United States. Annals of the Association of American ...